On-Chain Oracle (Solana)
Our API can be consumed via a Switchboard oracle on-chain, on Solana. Both Solana NFT and Ethereum NFT prices can be consumed, which means you can build a cross-chain app on Solana that, for example, relies on Punks or BAYC prices from Ethereum.
Setting up the Oracle
With the current architecture, it's not possible to have a single Switchboard price feed report all the prices for all collections. Instead a new price feed needs to be configured per collection.
Luckily, configuring a new price feed on Switchboard takes less than 2 minutes, requires no coding, and costs peanuts.
Let us do so step by step Devnet example. We'll configure a price feed for SMBs:
+ custom feed
button in the top right hand cornerGive your feed a name, eg "SMB Smart Floor Price"
Click "add a job"
We now need to build a job definition. You can read more about Switchboard's publishers and jobs here, or simply follow the below steps:
We need to find out the "collection ID" so we hit the https://api.tensor.so/sol/collections endpoint. The ID for SMBs is
We now can construct a link for floor prices. Since we only care for the latest price, we can ignore the
parameter. The url becomes: https://api.tensor.so/sol/collections/9uBX3ASjxWvNBAD1xjbVaKA74mWGZys3RGSF7DdeDD3F/floorWith the url in hand we can finally construct the job:
Copy paste the above job into the window on Switchboard and hit
. Give it a few sec and hopefully a number appears next to test button. This means our job is working correctly!Title jour job and hit "add job"
Hit "add feed"
On the right hand side, hit "configure feeds", then "checkout" at the bottom
Make sure you have some SOL in your devnet wallet
Configure the interval (how often you want the price updated) and length (how long will the price feed be live for), then complete the rest of the checkout process by signing relevant transactions
Once completed, you can click "view feeds" - and there it is! Your very own smart floor price oracle for SMBs on Solana!
Testing the Oracle
Now let's use it in an example app.
Go to our example sol oracle repo and git clone it
Let's do an on-chain, rust app first:
Collect the "aggregator public key" from your switchboard UI, mine looks like this:
Go into
and update theaggregator
account marked with a TODO to your ownRun
anchor test --skip-deploy
Follow the link printed to the console and read the logs! You should see something like this:
Now let's do an off-chain, js app:
Go to
Update the aggregator pubkey similarly where it's marked with a TODO
yarn && yarn play
you should see a single number printed to the console, which is the SMB smart floor price reported by Tensor
And just like that, you can consume smart floor prices on-chain via on oracle!
Happy Solana hacking! 🛠
Last updated